Dragonborn Saga


“Dragonborn Saga” by El_Don is an engaging fantasy novel that follows the journey of Jon Dare, a 25-year-old who unexpectedly finds himself reincarnated in the world of his favorite game, Skyrim. Set 19 years before the events of the game, Jon leverages his knowledge of the future and his potential in magic, combat, and voice to shape his destiny. This story promises a thrilling adventure as Jon transforms from an ordinary young man into a hero.


Meet Jon Dare, your everyday 25-year-old who one day wakes up in Honorhall Orphanage in the city of Riften in the Kingdom of Skyrim. Reincarnated in his favorite game 19 years before the start of the game’s events, Jon is armed with knowledge about the future and full potential in magic, combat, and voice. As a Nord kid in a fantastical world, he sets out from Riften with a unique advantage, determined to carve out his own path and become a hero long before the main events of the game unfold.

Jon’s journey is filled with challenges and adventures as he navigates the complexities of life in Skyrim. His foreknowledge allows him to make strategic decisions, avoiding pitfalls and leveraging opportunities that others might miss. Along the way, he hones his skills in magic and combat, becoming increasingly powerful and respected. His mastery of the Voice, a rare and potent ability, further sets him apart as a formidable force in the realm.

Despite the advantages his knowledge provides, Jon faces numerous trials and adversaries. His journey is not just about becoming powerful but also about understanding the responsibilities that come with his abilities. As he grows, Jon must balance his quest for greatness with the need to protect and aid those around him, ultimately defining what it means to be a true hero in a world fraught with danger and intrigue.


“Dragonborn Saga” imparts valuable lessons about the importance of foresight, preparation, and the ethical use of power. Jon’s story demonstrates how knowledge and strategy can significantly impact one’s ability to navigate complex situations and achieve success. The narrative also emphasizes the significance of personal growth and the moral responsibilities that come with great power. Jon’s transformation from an ordinary young man to a hero underscores the importance of resilience, courage, and the willingness to protect and support others. Additionally, the novel highlights the idea that true heroism is not just about personal gain but about making meaningful contributions to the world and standing up against adversity for the greater good.

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