

“Humanity” by EJBowman is a riveting science fiction novel set on the planet Manticore in the 50th century. The story centers around two influential figures, Lord Koris Young and Lord Lysander Jordanis, as they vie for the chairman role in an upcoming election. Amidst their political ambitions, they must also navigate the complexities of their personal lives as their worlds threaten to unravel. This narrative explores themes of political strategy, societal change, and the personal sacrifices made in the pursuit of power.


On the planet of Manticore, the political landscape is abuzz with the imminent chairman election. Lord Koris Young, the youngest candidate in Manticorian history at seventy, faces an uphill battle. Despite his youth and progressive views, he must contend with natural ageism and opposition from other lords and ladies who resist his push for equal rights on a class-based planet. Determined to bridge the gap between the uptowners and downtowners, Koris must learn to navigate the treacherous political arena with tact and diplomacy. His vision of a united Manticore hangs in the balance, and he must fight to prevent his dream from crumbling.

In contrast, Lord Lysander Jordanis, an experienced politician over six hundred years old, appears to be the more logical choice for Manticore’s people. With centuries of political maneuvering under his belt, Jordanis wields significant influence and expertise. However, his pride becomes his downfall as personal failings begin to unravel everything he holds dear. As his world collapses, Jordanis must grapple with the consequences of his actions and the realization that his long-standing position of power may not be as secure as he once thought.

As the election draws near, both men are tested in ways they never anticipated. The political game on Manticore is one of strategy, resilience, and profound personal sacrifice. The outcome of the election will shape the future of the planet, and both Koris and Lysander must confront their deepest fears and ambitions to emerge victorious.


“Humanity” imparts valuable lessons about the nature of power, resilience, and the importance of integrity. Through Koris Young’s journey, readers learn that youth and progressive ideals can face significant resistance in a traditionally conservative society, but perseverance and tactical thinking can pave the way for meaningful change. Koris’s struggle to unite disparate social classes highlights the importance of empathy and inclusive policies in creating a just society.

On the other hand, Lysander Jordanis’s story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of pride and complacency. Despite his vast experience, Jordanis’s downfall is precipitated by his inability to adapt and acknowledge his personal shortcomings. His narrative underscores the necessity of humility and the willingness to evolve in the face of changing circumstances.

Ultimately, “Humanity” explores the delicate balance between personal ambition and the greater good, reminding readers that true leadership requires both vision and the ability to listen and learn from others.

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