Lycan Pleasure

Lycan Pleasure by Inspiredwriter is a romance novel that delves into the passionate and primal world of werewolves. As hidden desires and supernatural forces intertwine, the story unfolds a tale of forbidden love, dark secrets, and the irresistible allure of the lycanthropic realm. Prepare to be captivated by a narrative where the boundaries between humanity and the wild blur, and love emerges as the ultimate force of nature.

Lycan Pleasure Synopsis

Cullen felt his wolf surge like nothing he’d ever experienced the minute the scent of her arousal hit him. No battle or woman before now had ever summoned his spirit like this. His senses were on high alert, every fiber of his being drawn to her in an inexplicable, overpowering way.

He wanted her, and at that moment, nothing else in the world mattered. Just this enigmatic female standing proudly in front of him, challenging him, and drawing him in. Her eyes held a fierce determination, a strength that both intrigued and aroused him. She was a mystery he was desperate to unravel.

He still couldn’t place her scent. It wasn’t lycan, was it? But it wasn’t completely human either. Could he even be drawn like this to something that was neither human nor lycan? Was she fey? Maybe a druid? But he thought he knew those scents as well. This scent was intoxicating, a heady mix of earth and something ethereal that he couldn’t quite identify.

Cullen felt his wolf taking too much control. The primal urge to claim her was overwhelming, but he forced himself to pull his hand away from her and step back. His body protested the distance, every instinct screaming to close the gap between them. It wasn’t until he wrenched himself back into the moment that he realized his eyes had shifted to their wolf form, glowing with an intensity that mirrored the desire burning within him.

She was just standing there staring, her eyes wide with a mixture of curiosity and something deeper, something that mirrored his own yearning. He could smell her arousal, hear her breathing quicken, and he could almost feel her heartbeat thudding in time with his own. The connection between them was palpable, an invisible thread pulling them together despite the confusion and uncertainty swirling in his mind.

When he felt the stirring in his pants, he knew things had gone way too far. His brain was screaming, You don’t even know what she is! The logical part of him was desperate to regain control, to understand this woman and the powerful pull she had over him. But his heart, soul, and wolf were insistent, Take her. The battle within him raged, his desire for her growing stronger with each passing second.

As he struggled to maintain control, he couldn’t help but wonder what it was about her that had such a profound effect on him. Was it her strength, her beauty, or the tantalizing mystery of her origins? He needed to know, and the only way to find out was to give in to the pull and discover who and what she truly was.

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