Prey World – Counterrevolution


“Prey World – Counterrevolution” by Alexander Merow is a dystopian novel set in a near-future world marked by political upheaval and revolutionary movements. The story delves into the aftermath of a major revolution in Belarus and Lithuania, where the Rus have taken control and are now facing new challenges as they attempt to expand their influence into Russia.


In the year 2036, following a successful revolution, Belarus and Lithuania are under the control of the Rus, who aim to extend their rebellion against the oppressive World Government into Russia. However, their efforts are met with significant obstacles, as a new revolutionary faction, the collectivists, emerges unexpectedly and halts their progress. This new group presents a formidable challenge to Artur Tschistokjow’s organization, leading to intense conflict and division within Russia.

Frank Kohlhaas, a dedicated leader of the trooper units of the Freedom Movement of the Rus, finds himself on the front lines once again, fighting for the cause he believes in. As the struggle intensifies, Kohlhaas faces overwhelming odds and the possibility of a grim outcome. The story captures his determination, the complexities of revolutionary warfare, and the unpredictable nature of political power struggles in a dystopian world.


“Prey World – Counterrevolution” provides a stark exploration of the dynamics of power, resistance, and the human spirit in the face of adversity. The novel highlights the challenges of maintaining revolutionary momentum in the face of new and unexpected threats. It underscores the importance of resilience, leadership, and strategic thinking in navigating complex political landscapes. Through Frank Kohlhaas’ experiences, readers gain insights into the sacrifices and dilemmas faced by those who fight for freedom and change against formidable adversaries.

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